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[알고리즘][Python] 백준 13460 구슬 탈출2 문제 풀이

Written by Donghak Park

문제 출처 : www.acmicpc.net/problem/13460


13460번: 구슬 탈출 2

첫 번째 줄에는 보드의 세로, 가로 크기를 의미하는 두 정수 N, M (3 ≤ N, M ≤ 10)이 주어진다. 다음 N개의 줄에 보드의 모양을 나타내는 길이 M의 문자열이 주어진다. 이 문자열은 '.', '#', 'O', 'R', 'B'


문제 해석 : 구슬 게임을 진행한다. 상하좌우로 중력을 이용해서 구슬을 움직일 때 빨간 구슬만 탈출할 수 있는 경우에 걸리는 최소 시간을 출력하는 문제이다.


문제 풀이 : 문제의 요구 사항에 맞춰 문제 풀이를 진행하면 된다.


풀이 시간 (기록용) : 1시간 30분

풀이 코드

from collections import deque
import copy

dx = [0,0,-1,1]
dy = [1,-1,0,0]

def move(d, arr, board):
    now_x, now_y = arr

    while True:
        nx, ny = now_x + dx[d], now_y + dy[d]

        if board[nx][ny] == ".":
            now_x, now_y = nx, ny

        elif board[nx][ny] == "O":
            board[arr[0]][arr[1]] = '.'
            return now_x, now_y, True, board

            board[now_x][now_y] = board[arr[0]][arr[1]]
            if now_x != arr[0] or now_y != arr[1]:
                board[arr[0]][arr[1]] = '.'
            return now_x, now_y, False, board

def solution():
    global answer

    Q = deque()
    for i in range(4):
        # direct, time
        new_board = copy.deepcopy(board)
        Q.append([i, 1, red_ball, blue_ball, new_board])

    while Q:

        direct, time, red_ball_now, blue_ball_now, now_board = Q.popleft()

        if time >= 11:

        if direct == 0:
            if red_ball_now[1] > blue_ball_now[1]:
                red_nx, red_ny, red_flag,new_board = move(direct, red_ball_now,now_board)
                blue_nx, blue_ny, blue_flag,new_board = move(direct, blue_ball_now,now_board)
                blue_nx, blue_ny, blue_flag,new_board = move(direct, blue_ball_now,now_board)
                red_nx, red_ny, red_flag,new_board = move(direct, red_ball_now,now_board)
        elif direct == 1:
            if red_ball_now[1] < blue_ball_now[1]:
                red_nx, red_ny, red_flag,new_board = move(direct, red_ball_now,now_board)
                blue_nx, blue_ny, blue_flag,new_board = move(direct, blue_ball_now,now_board)
                blue_nx, blue_ny, blue_flag,new_board = move(direct, blue_ball_now,now_board)
                red_nx, red_ny, red_flag,new_board = move(direct, red_ball_now,now_board)
        elif direct == 2:
            if red_ball_now[0] < blue_ball_now[0]:
                red_nx, red_ny, red_flag,new_board = move(direct, red_ball_now,now_board)
                blue_nx, blue_ny, blue_flag,new_board = move(direct, blue_ball_now,now_board)
                blue_nx, blue_ny, blue_flag, new_board = move(direct, blue_ball_now,now_board)
                red_nx, red_ny, red_flag, new_board = move(direct, red_ball_now,now_board)
            if red_ball_now[0] > blue_ball_now[0]:
                red_nx, red_ny, red_flag, new_board = move(direct, red_ball_now,now_board)
                blue_nx, blue_ny, blue_flag, new_board = move(direct, blue_ball_now,now_board)
                blue_nx, blue_ny, blue_flag, new_board = move(direct, blue_ball_now,now_board)
                red_nx, red_ny, red_flag, new_board = move(direct, red_ball_now,now_board)

        if (blue_flag is False) and (red_flag is False):
            if [red_nx, red_ny] != red_ball_now or [blue_nx, blue_ny] != blue_ball_now:
                for i in range(4):
                    next_board = copy.deepcopy(new_board)
                    Q.append([i, time+1, [red_nx, red_ny], [blue_nx,blue_ny], next_board])

        elif (red_flag is True) and (blue_flag is False):
            answer = time

N, M = map(int, input().split())
board = []

red_ball = [0,0]
blue_ball = [0,0]

for col in range(N):
    S = list(input())

    for i in range(len(S)):
        if S[i] == "R":
            red_ball = [col,i]
        elif S[i] == "B":
            blue_ball = [col,i]

answer = -1


author : donghak park
contact : donghark03@naver.com

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